Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Connor T-Ball

Connor is loving T-ball! He does better each week and is still learning what to do, but he is having a lot of fun.

Monday, March 3, 2014


Connor is playing t-ball for the first time this year! He is on The A's team and Clay is helping coach. Connor is super excited to play, especially when he got to go pick out a cool bat, helmet, "big boy" baseball pants and cleats! He loves running the bases and he's one of the fastest on his team. His first game is this weekend but I took some pictures and videos of him at practice with his team and at home.


Connor decided he wanted to take a shower and wash his hair all by himself. Usually he gets help with all his washing, but not for much longer I'm afraid.  Of course water was all in the floor and it was the shower that never ended because I would have to hand him his towel every time water got on his face, but he was so excited and proud to be a "big boy" and take his own shower! My boy is growing up too fast!